Giorgio Sabella

Associate Professor of [BIO/05]
Membership Section: Animal Biology


December 1981 - Degree in Biological Sciences (University of Catania) with full marks and honors.

From February 1990 to January 2001 - Curator of the Museum of Zoology (University of Catania).

From February 2001 to October 2010 - Researcher of SSD BIO / 05- Zoology (Department of Animal Biology 'M. La Greca ", University of Catania).

From November 2010 - Associate Professor of SSD BIO / 05- Zoology (Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania).




From the AA. 2003-2004 to date he has been member of the teaching staff of various PhD of the University of Catania (International Research Doctorate in "Entomological Sciences and defense of agro-ecosystems"; International Research Doctorate in "Phytosanitary Technologies and defense of agro-ecosystems "; PhD in" Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences "; PhD in" Earth and Environmental Sciences "). As part of these doctorates, he has followed numerous theses as supervisor or co-supervisor and has been a member of the competition commission for admission to the aforementioned PhD several times.



From AA. 2001-2002 to date he has carried out and carries out numerous teachings: Zoogeography, Fundamentals of EIA (faunal aspects); Naturalistic Museology (zoological aspects); Laboratory of General Biology (Animal Biology); Environmental Changes and their impact; EIA planning; Community environmental law; Ecology and conservation of fauna; Protected areas; Zoogeography and animal ecology; Habitat Directive and assessment of incidence (faunal aspects); Protection and management of fauna; Biology (general Zoology) for various degree and master's degrees. Degree in: Natural Sciences; Ecological Sciences and Environmental Education Environmental Sciences; Environmental and Natural Sciences; Masters in: Conservation and management of biodiversity; Ecological Sciences; Science and Technologies for the Environment and its Resources; Sciences and Technologies for the protection of the Environment; Biodiversity and Environmental quality; Environmental Biology.As part of these degree courses, he has followed numerous theses as supervisor or co-supervisor and has organized numerous seminars for students of the three-year and master's degrees.

He has been a teacher of. numerous courses (Conservation of nature and zoological systematics; Environmental Impact Assessment; Museology; Zoology and Animal Ecology; The system of protected areas in Italy) organized or sponsored by the University of Catania.

He organized a seminar on the arthropod fauna of Tunisia and an educational excursion to central Tunisia for students of the Faculty of Science, University of Tunis. and in 2010 held a seminar on environmental impact assessment for students of the Master in Ecology and Nature Conservation of ISSBAT in Tunis.

 He was teacher at the International School of Ethology in Erice.


He has carried out and carries out an intense scientific dissemination activity collaborating with magazines, organizing and participating in conferences, exhibitions, film reviews, awards and book presentations.



Member of numerous Scientific Councils representing the University of Catania (Scientific Council of the provinces of Syracuse, Ragusa, Caltanissetta; Regional Council for the Protection of the Natural Heritage of Sicily; Scientific Council of the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Terrasini).

Coordinator of the Degree in Environmental and Natural Sciences and of the Master's Degree e in Environmental Biology of the University of Catania.

Local contact person of the PNLS (National Scientific Degree Plan) for Environmental and Natural Sciences.

Last edit: 02/14/2021

Elenco delle PRINCIPALI pubblicazioni scientifiche


1. Sabella G., Poggi R., 1985 - Una nuova specie di Tychus Leach di Sicilia (Col.  Pselaphidae). - Animalia, Catania, 12: 207-214.

2. Sabella G., 1986 - Note su due Brachygluta Thomson nuove per la Sicilia (Col.  Pselaphidae). - Animalia, Catania, 13: 197-202.

3. Sabella G., 1988 - Proposta per la costituzione del Parco dei Nebrodi. I Coleotteri Pselafidi. - Regione siciliana Assessorato Territorio e Ambiente, 70 pp.

4. Sabella G., 1989 - Su due nuovi interessanti Pselafidi di Sicilia e considerazioni su alcune specie del genere Bryaxis (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). - Revue suisse de Zoologie, Genéve, 96: 433-444.

5. Sabella G., 1991 - Ricerche sugli Pselaphidae di Sicilia IV. Pselaphogenius carusoi nuova specie di Sicilia e considerazioni sugli Pselaphogenius del gruppo fiorii (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). - Animalia, Catania, 18: 319-336.

6. Sabella G., Zanetti A., 1991 - Studi sulle comunità di Coleotteri Stafilinidi dei monti Nebrodi. 1° contributo. - Animalia, Catania, 18: 269-297.

7. Alicata P., Grasso R., Sabella G. 1991 - Vertebrati terrestri. - In: Studio della fauna del bacino del Simeto. Vol. 4 degli Studi per la redazione del piano di bacino del fiume Simeto, effettuati dall'Università degli Studi di Catania e depositati presso l'Assessorato Regionale Agricoltura e Foreste: 6-37.

8. Sabella G., 1992 - Studies on the Pselaphidae of Sicily, V. Two new species of Tychus from the Nebrodi Mts. and a critical review of the subspecies of Tychus corsicus Reitter 1881 (Insecta:  Coleoptera). - Senckenbergiana biologica, Frankfurt am Main, 72 (4/6): 335-352.

9. Sabella G., 1993a - Studies on the Pselaphidae of Sicily. VI. On the sicilian species of the genus Faronus with a redescription of F. siculus Fiori, 1913 and F. vitalei Raffray, 1913. (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). - Spixiana, Münich, 16 (2): 145-156.

10. Sabella G., 1993b - Note su Tychomorphus castaneus (Aubé 1844) (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). - Animalia, Catania, 20: 103-110.

11. Sabella G., 1993c - Ricerche sugli Pselaphidae di Sicilia IX. Paratychus  antonii n. sp. di Sicilia (Coleoptera). - Animalia, Catania, 20: 65-70.

12. Sabella G., 1993d - I Coleotteri Pselafidi della Riserva Naturale di Vendicari. - Atti e Memorie dell'Ente Fauna Siciliana, Noto, 1: 79-94.

13. Besuchet C., Sabella G., 1993 - Ricerche sugli Pselaphidae di Sicilia VIII. Lo Pselaphaulax desdrensis (Herbst, 1792) e le sue sottospecie (Coleoptera). - Animalia, Catania, 20: 87-95.

14. Sabella G., 1994a - Ricerche sugli Pselaphidae di Sicilia VII. Enoptostomus choubati Guillebeau, specie nuova per la fauna italiana e revisione delle specie europee e maghrebine del genere Enoptostomus Schaum, 1864 (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). - Il Naturalista siciliano, Palermo, 4, 18 (1-2): 123-136.

15. Sabella G., 1994b - Studi preliminari al P.T.P. commissionati dalla Soprintendenza a professionisti esterni e riflessioni critiche sulla legge 431/85: 105-110. - In: L'area metropolitana Catanese. - Atti del secondo convegno regionale I.N.U., Roma, 121 pp.

16. Minissale P., Sabella G., 1994 - Alcuni criteri metodologici per l'individuazione, la catalogazione e la cartografia dei beni e delle aree naturali presenti nel territorio della provincia di Catania: 111-121. - In: L'area metropolitana Catanese. - Atti secondo convegno regionale I.N.U., Roma, 121 pp.

17. Gerecke R., Sabella G., 1995 - La fauna delle sorgenti e delle acque correnti dei Monti Iblei. - Atti e Memorie dell'Ente Fauna Siciliana, Noto, 2: 175-194.

18 - Sabella G., 1996 - Forschungen ueber die Pselaphidae Siziliens.XI. Eine neue Art der Gattung Pselaphostomus Reitter, 1909 aus Sizilien und Betrachtungen ueber die Arten der kiesenwetteri-Gruppe  (Coleoptera  Pselaphidae). - Spixiana, Münich, 19: 147-154.

19. Adorno A., Sabella G., Alicata P., 1996 - Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) soil communities of woodland remants in Eastern Sicily. - Proceedings of XX International Congress of Entomolgy, Firenze: 315.

20. Besuchet C., Sabella G., 1996 - Ricerche sugli Pselaphidae di Sicilia. X. Revisione delle sottospecie maghrebine di Tychus striola Guillebeau, 1888 con descrizione di nuovi taxa (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). - Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Paris, 32:101-118.

21. Sabella G., 1997 - Brachygluta angelinii a new species from Southern Italy (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). - Spixiana, Münich, 20: 45-49.

22. Sabella G., Poggi R., 1997 - Revisione dei Tychus del gruppo florentinus con descrizione di nuove specie (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). - Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “G. Doria”, Genova, 91: 383-409.

23. Gardini G., Sabella G., Saccone L., 1997 - Studi sulle comunità di Pseudoscorpioni dei sistemi forestali dei Nebrodi (Sicilia nordorientale) (Pseudoscorpiona). - Fragmenta entomologica, Roma, 29 (2): 213-237.

24. Sabella G., 1998 - A new species of Tychus Leach from northern Italy (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). - Fragmenta entomologica, Roma, 30 (2): 253-260.

25. Sabella G., Brachat V., Bückle C., 1998. - Revisione dei Tychus del gruppo dalmatinus con descrizione di nuovi taxa (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). - Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Paris, 34: 217-244.

26. Adorno A., Sabella G., 1998 - Comunità di Stafilinidi (Insecta, Coleoptera) dei frammenti boscati dei monti Iblei (Sicilia sudorientale). - Il Naturalista siciliano, Palermo, 4, 22 (3-4): 327-353.

27. Zanetti A., Sabella G., 1998 - Primo contributo alla revisione della collezione coleotterologica Ragusa di Sicilia: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae (Coleoptera). – Il Naturalista siciliano, Palermo, 4, 22 (1-2): 25-37.

28. Sabella G., 1999 – Una nuova specie di Tychobythinus Ganglbauer di Sicilia (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). – Il Naturalista siciliano, Palermo, 4, 23 (3-4): 507-513.

29. Adorno A., Sabella G. 1999 - La fauna invertebrata, emergenze faunistiche, ecologiche e biogeografiche. - In: La riserva naturale di Cava Grande del Cassibile. - Monografie dell’Ente Fauna Siciliana, Ispettorato Ripartimentale delle Foreste, Zangara, Siracusa: 89-112.

30. Besuchet C., Sabella G., 1999a - Nuove specie di Tychus della regione paleartica (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae). – Mitteilung der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, Lausanne, 59 (1): 235-258.

31. Besuchet C., Sabella G., 1999b - Descrizione di nuove specie di Tychus della regione paleartica con revisione dei Tychus del gruppo armeniacus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Paris, 35: 303-318.

32. Besuchet C., Sabella G., 2000 – Pselafidi nuovi per la fauna italiana. - Il Naturalista siciliano, Palermo, 4, 24 (3-4): 259-269.

33. Sabella G., 2001 – Diversità dei popolamenti di Pselafidi (Coleoptera) di Nebrodi, Peloritani ed Aspromonte. - Riassunti del 62° Congresso U.Z.I. (23-27 settembre 2001 Sanremo), Simposio III: Biodiversità nelle aree protette: 25.

34. Sabella G., Angelini F., 2001 – Gli Pselafidi dell’Aspromonte. - Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 25: 9-61.

35. Sabella G., Adorno A, Zanetti A., 2001 – Il contributo dei Coleotteri Stafilinidi alla biodiversità dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia nordorientale). - Riassunti del 62° Congresso U.Z.I. (23-27 settembre 2001 Sanremo), Sessione posters: Biodiversità: 51.

36. Sabella G., 2002 - Description of Tychus lagrecai n. sp. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) from Crete island (Greece). - Bollettino dell'Accademia Gioenia, Catania, 35 (361): 611-616.

37. Sabella G., 2002 – Pselaphidae: 67-68. In: Mason F., Cerretti P, Tagliapietra A., Speight M. C. D.; Zapparoli M., Invertebrati di una foresta della pianura Padana. Bosco della Fontana. – Gianluigi Arcari Editore, Mantova, 175 pp.

38. Sabella G., Arnone M., 2002 - Il restauro e la revisione della collezione entomologica Ragusa: un'occasione per la redazione di un nuovo catalogo dei Coleotteri di Sicilia. - Riassunti dei contributi scientifici del XIX Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, Catania 10-15 giugno 2002: 41.

39. Sabella G., Kurbatov S., 2002 – Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Tychus Leach, 1817 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Paris, 38 (3): 299-317.

40. Sabella G., 2004 – Gli insetti e i funghi. - Rivista di Micologia siciliana, Catania, 1: 29-34.

41. Sabella G., Sparacio I., 2004 – Il ruolo dei Parchi siciliani nella conservazione di taxa di insetti di particolare interesse naturalistico (Insecta Coleoptera et Lepidoptera Ropalocera). - Il Naturalista siciliano, Palermo, 4, 28 (1): 477-508.

42. Sabella G., 2005 - Considerazioni sulla fauna dell’Etna. - Rivista di Micologia siciliana, Catania, numero speciale: 42-48.

43. Poggi R., Sabella G., 2005 – Coleoptera Staphylinidae Pselaphinae. - In: Ruffo S, Stoch F. (eds), Checklist e distribuzione della fauna italiana. – Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, 2 serie, Sezione Scienze della Vita, 16: 183-184.

44. Pilato G., Binda M. G., Biondi O., D’Urso V., Lisi O., Marletta A., Maugeri S., Nobile V., Rappazzo G., Sabella G., Sammartano F., Turrisi F., Viglianisi F. 2005 - The clade Ecdysozoa, perplexities and questions. - Zoologische Anzeiger, 244: 43-50.

45. Pilato G., Sabella G., Turrisi F., Bella S., Scuderi D., Lisi O., 2007 – La fauna della regione iblea - Atti del Convegno “l’Uomo negli Iblei”, Sortino 10-12 ottobre 2003: 51-116.

46. Kurbatov S., Sabella G. 2008 – Revision of the genus Atychodea Reitter with a consideration of the relationship in the tribe Tychini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Transactions of the American entomological society, 134: 23-68.

47. Alicata P., Sabella G., Alicata A., De Pietro R., 2008 – Aree di interesse faunistico, 1: 10-18; 2: 13-19; 3: 15-22; 4: 11-22; 5: 10-16; 6: 11-17; 7: 12-19.  - In: Campo G., Atripaldi A. M. (a cura di) - Piano Paesistico della provincia di Catania vol. 1-7. Cangemi Editore, Roma.

48. Sabella G., Adorno A., Zanetti A., 2008 – Ipotesi sull’origine dei taxa endemici nei Coleotteri Stafilinidi di Sicilia. – Riassunti dei contributi scientifici del XXXVII Congresso Nazionale di Biogeografia, Catania 7-10 ottobre 2008: 83.

49. Sabella G., Alicata A., Sorrentino M., Sorgi G., 2009 – Aree di interesse faunistico. - In: Mancuso C., Martinico F., Nigrelli F. C. (a cura di) – I Piani Territoriali Paesistici della provincia di Enna. - Urbanistica Quaderni (collana dell’Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica), 53: 61-81.

50. Sabella G., 2010 - La Fauna: 30-33. - In: Guida dell'Etna (a cura di Giovanni Vallone) - Flaccovio Editore, Palermo.

51. Sabella G., 2010 - Coleoptera Staphylinidae Pselaphinae: 547-571. In: Audisio P. & Vigna Taglianti A.,  Insecta Coleoptera. - Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 17 (suppl. 1): 547-571.

52. Alicata P., Sabella G., Alicata A., De Pietro R., 2010 - Fauna e paesaggio: criteri per la tutela: 48-54. - In: Atripaldi A. M. & Calvagna S., Le forme del paesaggio dall'Etna agli Iblei. Anabiblo Edizioni, Roma.

53. Adorno A., Alicata A., Giuga L., Sabella G., Sorgi G., Sparacio I., Alicata P. 2010 - Utilizzazione delle comunità di artropodi nella valutazione di interventi nella Riserva Naturale di Vendicari. – Atti del Convegno “L’area protetta di Vendicari: 369-388.

54. Sabella G., Kurbatov S., Besuchet C., 2011 - New species of Tychini from Turkey and Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 2764: 22–34.

55. Sabella G., Kurbatov S., Besuchet C., 2011 - A review of the Tychus algericus species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae), North Africa. - Zootaxa, 3065: 38–48.

56. D’Urso V., Sabella G., 2011 - Zoogeografia degli Auchenorrinchi di Sicilia (Insecta, Hemiptera). Biogeographia, XXX, La Biogeografia della Sicilia: 535-542.

57. Viglianisi F., Sabella G., 2011 - Biodiversity, Environmental Education and Social Media. -Biodiversity Journal, 2 (4): 195-200.

58. Adorno A., Zanetti A., Sabella G., Boemi R., 2011 - Analisi dell’attività di volo dei Coleotteri Stafilinidi in un agrumeto della Piana di Catania (Sicilia). - Atti XXXIII° Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia, Genova: 157.

59. Boemi R., Sabella G., Adorno A., 2011 - Analisi sulla biodiversità della fauna del suolo in frutteti a conduzione tradizionale e biologica della zona B del Parco Regionale dell'Etna. - Atti XXXIII° Congresso Nazionale di Entomologia, Genova: 206.

60. Besuchet C., Sabella G., 2012 - Revision of the species of the Tychus rufus group (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Annales de la Société entomologique de France, Paris, 49 (1-2): 155-172.

61. Sabella G., Grasso R., Spena M. T., 2012 - First record of troglobitic Pselaphinae from Sicily (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 59 (1): 47-53.

62. Sabella G., Brachat V., Kurbatov S., 2012 - New species of Tychus from Greece and Turkey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 119 (2): 195-214.

63. Pilato G., Kiosya Y., Lisi O., Sabella G., 2012 - New records of Eutardigrada from Belarus with the description of three new species. - Zootaxa, 3179: 39–60.

64. Sabella G., Viglianisi F. M., Petralia E., 2012 - Catologue of malgasy genera of Pselaphinae and first data on the diversity of Pselaphid beetles population in the Amber Mountain National Park (Northern Madagascar) (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). - Biodiversity journal, 3 (4): 429-444.

65. Sabella G., Adorno A., Viglianisi F. M., Petralia E., 2012 – Invertebrati della Cava Grande del Cassibile. Natura e Uomo nel territorio di Avola. - Atti e Memorie dell’Ente Fauna Siciliana, 10: 67-84.

66. Adorno A., Biondi M., Zappalà L., Sabella G., Siscaro G., 2012 - Composition and flying activity of Coleoptera Staphylinids in citrus orchard. - Atti 15° International Citrus Congress, Valencia: 295.

67. Besuchet C., Cuccodoro G. & Sabella G., 2013 - On the genera Acanthobythus Normand, 1930 and Ceratobythus Normand, 1932 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). - Revue suisse de Zoologie, 120 (2): 271-280.

68. Sabella G., D’Urso V., Nouira S., Souissi R. & Claude Besuchet C., 2013 - A review of Tychobythinus theryi species group with description of a new species from Algeria (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 3701 (1): 63–75.

69. Pilato G., D’Urso V., Lisi O., Viglianisi F. M., Sammartano F., Sabella G., 2013 - The problem of the origin of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in Vertebrates: Historical revue and a possible solution. - The International Journal of Developmental Biology, 57: 809-819.

70. Sabella G., Petralia E. 2014 - Zoological aspects of the evaluation of human impact on the environment.- 2nd Djerba International Mediterranean Environmemt Sustainability Conference. Atti e Memorie dell’Ente Fauna Siciliana, 11: 171-182.

71. Pilato G., Sabella G., Lisi O., 2014 - Two new tardigrade species from Sicily. - Zootaxa, 3754 (2): 173–184.

72. Lisi O., Sabella G., Pilato G., 2014 - Mixibius parvus sp. nov. and Diphascon (Diphascon) ziliense sp. nov., two new species of Eutardigrada from Sicily. - Zootaxa, 3802 (4): 459–468.

73. Sabella G., Bekchiev R., 2014 - A New Species of Tychus Leach, 1817 of the Armeniacus Species Group (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae) from Greece. - Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 66 (3): 313-315.

74. Sabella G., Viglianisi F. M., D’Urso V., Nouira S., 2014 - A review of the Tychobythinus algiricus species group from North Africa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). -Zootaxa, 3893 (4): 579-586.

75. Zanetti A., Sabella G., Poggi R., Biscaccianti A. B. Staphylinidae (inclusi Dasycerinae, Pselaphinae, Scaphidiinae, and Scydmaeninae). Appendice 1 e schede tecniche on line ( - In: Audisio P., Baviera C., Carpaneto G. M., Biscaccianti A. B., Battistoni A., Teofili C., Rondini C. (compilatori) 2014 – Lista rossa IUCN dei Coleotteri saproxilici Italiani. -Comitato Italiano IUCN e Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, Roma, 134 pp.

76. Andreone F., Bartolozzi L., Boano G., Boero F., Bologna M. A., Bon M., Bressi N., Capula M., Casale A., Casiraghi M., Chiozzi G., Delfino M., Doria G., Durante A., Ferrari M., Gippoliti S., Lanzinger M., Latella L., Maio N., Marangoni C., Mazzotti S., Minelli A., Muscio G., Nicolosi P., Pievani T., Razzetti E., Sabella G., Valle M., Vomero V., Zilli A., 2014 - Italian natural history museums on the verge of collapse?. - Zookeys, 456: 139-146.

77. Andreone F., Bartolozzi L., Boano G., Boero F., Bologna M. A., Bon M., Bressi N., Capula M., Casale A., Casiraghi M., Chiozzi G., Delfino M., Doria G., Durante A., Ferrari M., Gippoliti S., Lanzinger M., Latella L., Maio N., Marangoni C., Mazzotti S., Muscio G., Nicolosi P., Pievani T., Razzetti E., Sabella G., Valle M., Vomero V., Zilli A., 2015 – Natural history: save Italy’s museums. - Nature, 517: 271.

78. Kurbatov S., Sabella G., 2015 - A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini. 1 part 1. Some taxonomic changes in Brachyglutini and preliminary diagnosis of Achilia Reitter, 1890 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). - Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 122 (2): 297-306.

79. Pappalardo A. M., Federico C., Sabella G., Saccone S., Ferrito V., 2015 - A COI Nonsynonymous Mutation as Diagnostic Tool for Intraspecific Discrimination in the European Anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus). PlOSONE, 10 (11): e0143297. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143297.

80. Pilato G., Sabella G., Lisi O., 2015 - Two new freshwater eutardigrade species from Sicily. -Zootaxa, 3918 (2): 273-284.

81. Sabella G., Lisi O., Viglianisi F. M., 2015 - The use of the entomofauna in the studies of the Environmental Impact Assessment (E.I.A.) and Assessment of Impact (A.I.). - Biodiversity Journal, 6 (1): 175-184.

82. Sabella G., Alicata A., Viglianisi F. M., 2015 - A study case of Assessment of Impact using the invertebrates. - Biodiversity Journal 6 (1): 185-192.

83. Petralia A., Petralia E., Sabella G., Brogna F., Bianca B., 2015 - Presence's mapping of Brachytrupes megacephalus (Orthoptera, Gryllidae) within the Natural Reserve of Vendicari (Noto, SR, Italy). - Biodiversity Journal, 6 (1): 323-326.

84. Siracusa A. M., Musumeci E., D’Urso V., Sabella G., 2015 - New knowledge on diet and monitoring of a roost of the long-eared owl, Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758) on Mount Etna (Sicily) - Biodiversity Journal, 6 (1): 263-270.

85. D’Urso V., Mazzeo G., Vaccalluzzo V., Sabella G., Bucchieri F., Viscuso R., Vitale D. G. M., 2016 - Observations on midgut of Apis mellifera workers (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) under controlled acute exposures to a Bacillus thuringiensis - based biopesticide. - Apidologie, DOI: 10.1007/s13592-016-0448-4.

86. Pilato G., Sabella G., Lisi O., 2016 - Two new species of Milnesium (Tardigrada: Milnesiidae). -Zootaxa, 4132 (4): 575–587.

87. Sabella G., Mifsud D., 2016 - The Pselaphinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of the Maltese Archipelago. - Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Malta, 8: 7–34.

88. Sabella G., Sima A., 2016 - Study on Tychini of Balkan Peninsula (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 4200 (4): 591–599.

89. D’Urso V., Lisi O., Sabella G., 2017 - The alien leafhopper Balclutha brevis Lindberg, 1954 (Hemiptera Cicadellidae) and its hostplant, the invasive Poaceae Pennisetum setaceum (Försskal) Chiov.: a real risk in the scenario of Mediterranean land biodiversity? – Biodiversity Journal, 8 (1): 145-150.

90. Pilato G., Sabella G., D’Urso V., Lisi O., 2017 - Two new species of Eutardigrada from Victoria Land, Antarctica. – Zootaxa, 4317 (3): 541–558.

91. Pilato G., Sabella G., D’Urso V., Lisi O., 2017 - Macrobiotus nebrodensis and Adropion vexatum, two new species of Eutardigrada (Tardigrada, Parachela) from Sicily.Zootaxa, 4362 (2): 267-279.

92. Sabella G., 2017 - Considerations on the International Congress “Biodiversity, Mediterranean, Society”. - Biodiversity Journal, 8 (1): 47-48.

93. Sabella G., Beckchiev R., Kostova R., 2017 - Pselaphinae (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) from Sicily and Calabria (Italy). Results from a short entomological expedition in April, 2015. - Biodiversity Journal, 8 (1): 185-192.

94. Sabella G., Kurbatov S. A., Cuccodoro G., 2017 - A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 2. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. crassicornis, A. tumidifrons, A. bifossifrons, and A. lobifera species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). - Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 124 (1): 119-140.

95. Sabella G., Viglianisi F. M., Rotondi S., Brogna F., 2017 - Preliminary observations on the use of drones in the environmental monitoring and in the management of protected areas. The case study of “R.N.O. Vendicari”, Syracuse (Italy). - Biodiversity Journal, 8 (1): 79-86.

96. Kurbatov S. A., Cuccodoro G., Sabella G., 2018 - A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 3. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. frontalis  species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). - Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 125 (1): 165-188.

97. De Pietro R., Ientile R., Puccia S., Sabella G., 2019 - Birds of Gelsari and Lentini marshes, special protection area for the protection and maintenance of aquatic avifauna in central Mediterranean. - Ocean and Coastal Management, 169: 96-103.

98. Kurbatov S. A., Mifsud D., Sabella G., 2019 - A new species of Faronus Aubé, 1844, endemic to Malta (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 4571 (3): 417-422.

99. Sabella G., Amore E., Nicolosi G., 2019 - A new troglobitic Tychobythinus from Sicily (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 4567 (2): 379-386.

100. Sabella G., Viglianisi F. M., Bekchiev R., 2019. - A new species of Pselaphogenius Reitter, 1910 of the fiorii species group from southern Italy (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 4585 (2): 387-394.

101. Sabella G., Cuccodoro G., Kurbatov S. A., 2019 - A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 4. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. puncticeps and A. approximans species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). - Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 126 (1): 127-145.

102. Sabella G., Viglianisi F. M., D’Urso V., 2019. - A new species of Tychus Leach, 1817 from Lebanon (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 4656 (3): 596–600.

103. Sabella G., Cuccodoro G., Kurbatov S., 2020 - A revision of the Chilean Brachyglutini – Part 6. Revision of Achilia Reitter, 1890: A. grandiceps, A. valdiviensis, and A. bicornis species groups (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). - Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 127 (1): 129-156.

104. Sabella G., Costanzo S., Nicolosi G., 2020 - Tychobythinus inopinatus, a new troglobitic species from Sicily (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). - Zootaxa, 4779 (2): 273-281.

105. Tedesco M. R., Mandalà G., Consentino M. C., Ientile R., Lo Valvo F., Movalli P.5, Sabella G., Spadola F., Spinnato A., Toscano F., Vicari D., Viglianisi F. M., Lo Brutto S., 2020 - The first inventory of birds of prey in Sicilian collections (Italy). – Museologia scientifica, n. s., 14: 67-80.


1. Sabella G., 1998 - Pselafidi di Sicilia. - Monografie del Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino, 25: 1-416.

2. Sabella G., Brachat  V., Bückle C., Besuchet C., 2004 – Revision der Paläarktischen Arten der Gattung Brachygluta Thomson, 1859. 1 Teil: Arten mit Sekurndären Männlichen geschlechtsmerkmalen auf den abdominaltergiten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Pselaphinae). – Instrumenta Biodiversitatis, Genéve, 6: 1-283.

3. Chandler D. S., Sabella G., Bueckle C., 2015 - A revision of the Nearctic species of Brachygluta Thomson, 1859 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). – Zootaxa, 3928: 1-91.



Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019

Academic Year 2017/2018

Academic Year 2016/2017

Academic Year 2015/2016


Research fields: 1) Taxonomy, systematics, fauna and biogeography of the Staphylinidae Coleoptera, particularly Pselaphinae, and of the Tardigrades; 2) Animal phylogeny; 3) Animal ecology with particular regard to the composition, structure and dynamics of the forest communities of beetles and pseudoscorpions and of the biological communities of fresh water; 4) Naturalistic Museology; 5) Conservation, management and protection of natural environments and fauna; 6) Environmental impact assessment and impact assessment.

Research on Pselaphinae has focused on taxonomic, systematic, faunal and biogeographical aspects. Various collection campaigns in various regions of the world, with particular attention to Italy, Tunisia, Canary Islands, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Ecuador, Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Madagascar and Chile have yielded interesting discoveries, some of which are still unpublished. Taxonomic revisions have been carried out based mainly on typical material preserved in the most important Italian, European, North American and South American collections of different Museum. The research activity involved most of the Paleartic tribes and some neartic and neotropical tribes and made it possible to describe more than 140 species new to science, to establish new synonyms and to clarify the geographical distribution of numerous taxa.

He was also interested in the taxonomy and systematics of the Tardigrades with studies that have allowed, in collaboration with some of the most renowned specialists of the taxonomic group, the description of species new to science and the revision of some genera.

Another area of interest is represented by animal phylogeny with research that led to the critic and reconsideration of the taxon Ecdysozoa and to the reinterpretation of the origin of PGCs (Primordial Germ Cells).

These trends have always been accompanied by an interest in animal ecology issues, with particular regard to the composition, structure and dynamics of the communities of Beetles (with particular regard to the Staphylinidae family), of Pseudoscorpions and freshwater biocoenoses.

Another line of research concerned Naturalistic Museology, given its cultural extraction and the ten-year experience gained first in the role of Conservator of the Zoological Museum of the University of Catania and then as Museum’s Director, with some works that have enhanced the heritage preserved in the collections of the Museum of Zoology (with particular regard to the Ragusa entomological collection).

He has been interested and continues to be interested in the problems of conservation, management and protection of natural environments on which he has published numerous articles. In this context, he collaborated on the proposals for the establishment of the Nebrodi Regional Park; Lessinia Regional Park and Alcantara River Regional Park, and the wildlife relationship for the Simeto river Basin Plan. He coordinated the Bioitaly Project, for the identification and census of the Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and of the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) of Sicily and the revision of the cards and related perimeters of the SCIs and SPAs of Eastern Sicily.

He is the author of more than 100 scientific articles published in national and international journals and of three monographs on Pselaphinae Coleoptera.

He has coordinated and coordinates as scientific manager numerous national and international research projects (e. g. PRA project "Morphology, systematics and animal phylogeny"; University research project on "Biodiversity of Insects, Nematodes and Tardigrades of Mediterranean environments"; INTERREG Italy-Malta FAST project - Fight Alien Species Transborder).

He is a referee for the journals: Annales Societé entomologique de France, Revue Suisse de Zoologie, Zootaxa, Turkish Journal of Zoology, Journal of the Entomological Research Society, Il Naturalista Siciliano, Entomologica, Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona., Croatic Nature; Biodiversity Journal, Zookeys, Journal of the Entomological Research Society.

Member of the Topic Board of international revue Animals and of the Editorial Board of Biodiversity Journal

He has organized or co-organized numerous national and international congresses, participating with 38 communications / posters in international and national congresses. Many of the communications were made by invitation.

He was scientific manager of 19 research agreements with various public and private entities for environmental consultancy in various fields (Natura 2000 Network, Parks and Reserves; SEA, EIA and IA and Plans environmental remediation).

He also coordinated and / or collaborated in numerous working groups for the drafting of EIS. and of incidence reports for numerous public works and has published some methodological contributions for the drafting of incidence reports.