Structural Geology

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Carmelo Giovanni MONACO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Ability to recognize, describe and interpret the tectonic structures of the crust both at the meso- and microscale and at the regional scale.
Ability to recognize and describe the deformation mechanisms of rocks and to interpret large regional tectonic structures, both in a convergent, divergent and transcurrent settings.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons, exercises, final excursion on field (6 CFU, 42 hours).

If the teaching is given in a mixed or remote way, necessary changes may be introduced with respect to what was previously stated, in order to respect the program envisaged and reported in the syllabus.

As a guarantee of equal opportunities and in compliance with current laws, interested students can ask for a personal interview in order to plan any compensatory and/or dispensatory measures, based on their specific needs and on teaching objectives of the discipline. It is also possible to ask the departmental contacts of CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Inclusion - Services for Disabilities and/or DSAs), in the persons of professor Giorgio De Guidi.

Required Prerequisites

Fundamentals of trigonometry, mathematics and physics

Detailed Course Content

Basics of rock mechanics, rheology and rock deformation mechanisms. Structural analysis and
interpretation of major geological structures.
Stress and strain in two and three dimensions. Planar and linear structures. Folds. Shear areas, faults and
fractures. Extensional tectonics. Salt tectonics. Transcurrent tectonics. Fold and thrust belts. Relations
between deformation and metamorphism. Use of stereographic projections in structural analysis.
Recognition of brittle and ductile deformation structures on the ground.

Textbook Information

H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.

More educational material on the site

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1-Introduzione alla Geologia Strutturale, scopi e applicazioni, definizioni. V -La forza e lo lo sforzo (stress). Componenti dello sforzo. Ellissoide degli sforzi e campo di sforzo. - Cerchio di Mohr. Materiale fornito dal docente
2-La deformazione (strain). Deformazioni omogenee ed eterogenee. Parametri della deformazione. Ellissoide della deformazione.- H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
3Comportamento meccanico dei materiali. Elasticità, plasticità e viscosità. Risposta delle rocce allo sforzo. Parametri fisici della deformazione nei mezzi geologici. La deformazione della crosta terrestre. Deformazioni fragili e deformazioni duttili. - H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
4La deformazione fragile. Faglie e fratture. I criteri della rottura. Teoria di Mohr-Coulomb. Le fratture naturali nella deformazione non rotazionale. Il modello di Anderson. Le fratture naturali nella deformazione rotazionale. Il modello di Riedel. - H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
5Le zone di taglio. Gli indicatori cinematici.- H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
6La deformazione duttile delle rocce. Condizioni fisiche nelle quali si produce la deformazione duttile. Deformazione cataclastica, plastica, per pressure solution. - H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
7La deformazione duttile eterogenea. Le pieghe. Analisi geometrica delle pieghe. Il diagramma di Fleuty. Classificazione delle pieghe secondo Ramsay. I meccanismi fisici del piegamento. Piegamento flessurale e per strain tangenziale longitudinale puro. - H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
8Le pieghe simili e le pieghe concentriche. - H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
9La deformazione duttile omogenea. Le tettonici. Clivaggio, foliazione e lineazione. Relazione pieghe-clivaggio.- H. Fossen - Geologia Strutturale - Zanichelli Ed.
10Proiezioni stereograficheMateriale fornito dal docente

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam takes place in oral and practical form on topics from the program in order to ensure full acquisition

of knowledge and the ability to apply them in relation to the topics covered by the course.

Criteria for awarding the final grade:

The evaluation of the exam will be linked not only to the acquisition of specific knowledge but also to:

• ability to represent tectonic structures through stereographic projections;

• ability to summarize the results; acquisition of independent judgment;

• ability to explain the theoretical basis, the approach, with the appropriate use of technical-scientific language

methodological and the results achieved.

 N.B. Verification of learning can also be carried out electronically, should the conditions require it.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Mohr circles

Coulomb equation

Stereographic projections

Pure shear - Anderson model

Simple shear - Riedel model