Marine Paleophitoecology and phytoecology
Module Marine Paleophitoecology

Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Rossana SANFILIPPO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The skills required for the Marine Paleophitoecology module consist of a correct knowledge of the most significant marine plants in the paleontological record and in particular their role in some paleo-environments of the geological past.

Course Structure

Frontal lessons and laboratory activities.

At least one seminar on paleontological topics of particular interest held by Italian or foreign specialists

Should teaching be carried out in mixed mode or remotely, it may be necessary to introduce changes with respect to previous statements, in line with the programme planned and outlined in the syllabus.

Attendance of Lessons

as required by the degree course

Detailed Course Content

Meaning and goals of Marine Paleoecology. The appearance and evolution of vegetals in the geological record. Methods and processes of fossilization of vegetal remnants and in particular of marine plants and seaweed. Fossilization power and role of some marine algae and plants in the formation of rocks (litogenetic power of fossils). Role of calcareous algae and plants in the biodiversity of fossil marine habitats. Algal ecofenotypes and their significance in paleoecological reconstruction. Selected cases of vegetal-dominated marine environments from Precambrian to Cenozoic, also referring to examples of the regional context. The stratigraphic meaning of marine plants. Techniques of fossil fitocommunities.

Textbook Information

Materials used during lessons is made available to students.

Textbooks useful for the study:

AA. VARI 2020. Manuale di Paleontologia. Fondamenti-Applicazioni. Idelson Gnocchi Ed. a cura della Società Paleontologica Italiana.

Raffi S. & Serpagli E. 1993. Introduzione alla Paleontologia. UTET, Torino.

Schäfer W.1972. Ecology and Palaeoecology of Marine Enviroments. Translated from the German by I. Oertel. xii+568 pp., 275 figs, 39 pls. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1L’ordine degli argomenti segue quello del programma sopra riportato, all’interno della finestra temporale di didattica prevista per il corso, che si svolgerà nel primo semestre dell’AA 2020-2021

Learning Assessment

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

1. Know the paleoecological significance of the plant groups studied.

2. Recognize the type of fossilization that a fossil plant has undergone.

3. group exercises on material from the educational collections.