Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: SIMONE MINEO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The course aims to provide students an adequate knowledge and understanding of the following topics:

- risk mitigation and remediation measures in areas affected by landslides;

- methods for landslide monitoring;

- groundwater and soil pollution phenomena and related monitoring;

- main remediation measures of environmental pollution of groundwater and soil.

The topics will be dealt with reference to the regulations on the various technical-professional activities of the geologist, starting from the fundamental deontological principles  and analyzing various practical applications of the legislation in the profession (e.g. drafting of a geological report, application of in the field of environmental contamination, study of rock landslides, etc...).

The contents of the course have also been chosen according to the current demands of professionalism in the world of work. The mastery of the topics covered will, in fact, constitute a useful wealth of application knowledge for the young graduate who begins the geologist professional activity, both in the context of the freelance profession and in view of competitions in public bodies or companies in the sector.

Course Structure

Classes will be held, from a general point of view, in person, with the help of multimedial material (slides) and/or notes. A practical exercise on the draft of a technical geological report will be carried out, which will allow students to familiarize with one of the main activities related to the development of the geologist profession

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of engineering geological, hydrogeological and applied geophysical notions.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance to class is compulsory. Working students should refer to the University teaching regulations.

Information for students with disabilities and / or SLD:

To guarantee equal opportunities, in compliance with the laws in force, interested students can ask for a personal interview with the lecturer to plan any compensatory and / or dispensation measure, according to the didactic objectives and specific needs. It is also possible to contact the referent lecturer CInAP (Center for Active and Participatory Integration - Services for Disabilities and / or SLD) of our Department, prof. Giorgio De Guidi.

Detailed Course Content

1) Environmental pollution: environmental matrices and pollution phenomena; main types of contaminants; mode of transport of pollutants; pollution sources.

2)Testo Unico in materia Ambientale D.Lgs.152/06. definition of the Threshold Concentration of Contamination (CSC) and Threshold Risk Concentration (CSR), MISE-MISO-MISP. Site-specific risk characterization and analysis plan. Sites of National Interest (SIN). Notes on Environmental Impact Assessment (VIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). 

3) Soil pollution: main environmental sampling methods, main remediation techniques.

4) Groundwater pollution: sampling methods and main remediation techniques.

5) Main techniques for monitoring landslide areas

6) Stabilization works on landslide areas and for the surface erosion control; improvement of the physical-mechanical characteristics of soils and rocks.

7) Active and passive interventions on rock slopes; shallow and deep drainage and hints on hydraulic-forestry interventions.

8)   DPR 5 Giugno 2001, n. 328 profession geologist. - Ethical rules.

9)  Norme Tecniche Costruzioni 2018 (NTC) e Circolare applicativa 2019.

10) Study of rockfalls and referred regulation.

11) Drafting of a geological report in accordance with current legislation.

12) Prezzario unico regionale per i lavori pubblici anno 2022 Regione Siciliana.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Environmental pollution: environmental matrices and pollution phenomena; main types of contaminants; mode of transport of pollutants.
2Soil pollution: main environmental sampling methods, main remediation techniques.
3Groundwater pollution: sampling methods and main remediation techniques.
4Main techniques for monitoring landslide areas 
5Stabilization works on landslide areas and for the surface erosion control. Improvement of the physical-mechanical characteristics of soils and rocks
6Active and passive interventions on rock slopes. Shallow and deep drainage and hints on hydraulic-forestry interventions.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The exam will be carried out in person in oral mode, through questions on the program. The candidate will be required to deliver a written geological report (see "teaching methods") to be sent by e-mail to both lecturers a few days before the scheduled date for the exam. The report contents, which will be commented by the student during the final exam, represents a relevant element for the evaluation of the exam itself. Any negative evaluation of the paper by the commission does not affect the possibility of taking the exam, whose final mark will represent a balanced evaluation of preparation and synthesis, as well as presentation and connection skills shown by the candidate during the exam. The commitment, perseverance and interest shown by the student during the lectures will also be taken into account. During the exam, the student may also be required to write down some formulas, among those studied, and / or to schematize some concepts  (e.g. draw a plan of the perimeter of a landslide and locate the monitoring points; draw a geological or hydrogeological schematic section ).

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

- What is the instrumentation that allows to detect the presence of supernatant product in the aquifer?

- Please, provide a description of the main environmental sampling methods of groundwater.

- What is a secondary contamination source?

- Please, describe an inclinometer and its use in the field.

- What are the structural parts of a tie rod?

- What are the surface drainages in a landslide area for?

- Please, draw a rotational landslide section and indicate the depths of potential monitoring piezometers and inclinometers.

- What is the difference between poles and micropiles?

- What does "desorption" mean?