Evolutionary Biology of marine organisms

Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: Venera FERRITO

Expected Learning Outcomes

The educational goal of the course is to make known to the students the most important biological processes that led to the evolution and adaptation of the invertebrates and vertebrates to the marine environment. The student must be able to understand that the interaction of anatomical, physiological, ethological and ecological characteristics are the basis of these adaptations.

Course Structure

Lectures and laboratories

Required Prerequisites

Basic knowledge of systematic zoology of vertebrates and invertebrates and of Comparative anatomy

Detailed Course Content

Diversity, evolution and classification of marine Vertebrates. Main adaptations of infertebrates and vertebrates to the marine environment. Palaeoclimatic and palaeogepgraphic history of the mediterranean Sea. Biogeography of the Mediterranean Sea. Speciation in the marine environment. Evolutionary specializations of Chondrichthyes. Elasmobranch electroreception. Evolutionary specializations of Osteichthyans, the dominant group of vertebrates in water.The sensory world of fishes. The lateral line. The electric fishes. Teleost’s specialization. Homeostasis and energy balance: water balance, thermoregulation. Biological invasion of the Mediterranean sea. Marine Mammals and their specializations. Phylogeography. Analysis of study cases on intraspecific and interspecific differentiation of marine species using molecular markers.

Textbook Information

1) Roberto Danovaro Biologia Marina CittaStudi Edizioni

2) Peter Castro - Michel E. Huber Biologia Marina McGraw-Hill 

3) Alessandro Poli, Elena Fabbri - Fisiologia degli animali marini - Edises

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1The marine environmentCap. 1 R. Danovaro Biologia Marina Città Studi edizioni
2The sea bottomCap. 2. P. Castro e M.E. Huber Biologia Marina McGraw-Hill
3The Mediterranea SeaArticoli forniti dal docente
4The circulation of currents in the Mediterranean SeaArticoli forniti dal docente
5Paleogeography and Paleoclimatology of the Mediterranea SeaArticoli forniti dal docente
6*6. Adattamenti e specializzazioni degli organismi marini Cap. 2 R.Danovaro Biologia Marina CittàStudi Edizioni
77. Organismi animali bentonici Cap. 4 R. Danovaro Biologia Marina CittàStudi Edizioni
8*8. Organismi animali nectoniciCap. 6 R. Danovaro Biologia Marina CittàStudi Edizioni
9*9. I pesci cartilagineiArticoli forniti dal docente
10*10. Gli squali del MediterraneoArticoli forniti dal docente
11*11. ElettrocezioneArticoli forniti dal docente
12*12. I pesci osseiArticoli forniti dal docente
13*13. I mammiferi marini e loro adattamentiCap. 6 R. Danovaro Biologia Marina CittàStudi Edizioni
14*14. Biologia evolutiva dei cetaceiArticoli forniti dal docente
1515. I mammiferi marini del MediterraneoArticoli forniti dal docente
16*16. FilogeografiaArticoli forniti dal docente
17*17. Casi studio di organismi a distribuzione atlantico-mediterraneaArticoli forniti dal docente
18*18. Casi studio di organismi a distribuzione peri-mediterraneaArticoli forniti dal docente

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The oral test will concern topics covered in the course lectures.