Alberto D'Agostino

PhD Student
PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences - XXXV cycle
Tutor: Gaetano Ortolano


PhD Course in Earth and Environmental Sciences (XXXV cycle) – University of Catania, Italy

Thesis: New frontiers of mineralogical and structural data analysis in the era of machine learning: tools for modern petrography
Supervisor: Prof. Gaetano Ortolano; Co-supervisor: Prof. Michele Zucali
Research themes: Numerical Petrology; Petromatic; Geodata Analysis; Machine Learning; Geomatics and GIS

Certificate of professional competence (Sez.A – Senior Geologist) – University of Palermo, Italy

[10/2017 - 18/10/2019]
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences – University of Catania, Italy
Thesis: "Thermodynamic modeling of the development of symplectites in an Eo-Variscan amphibolite of the Peloritani Mountains through the support of quantitative image analysis"
Supervisor: Prof. Gaetano Ortolano; Co-supervisor: Dr. Roberto Visalli
Graduation grade: 110/110 cum laude

[10/2014 - 17/11/2017]
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences – University of Catania, Italy
Thesis: "Development and testing of new methods for the automatic classification and analysis of the fabric of plutonic rocks"
Supervisor: Prof. Rosolino Cirrincione; Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gaetano Ortolano
Graduation grade: 110/110 cum laude

[2008 - 2013]
High School Diploma – Liceo Scientifico "C.Caminiti", S. Teresa di Riva (ME), Italy
Grade: 96/100



[16/09/2019 – 19/09/2019]
Congresso Nazionale SIMP–SGI–SOGEI Parma 2019, Italy
“Il tempo del pianeta Terra e il tempo dell'uomo: Le geoscienze fra passato e futuro”
Abstract: Ortolano G., D’Agostino A., Visalli R., Fiannacca P. & Cirrincione R.: "Development of vermicular clinopyroxene-amphibole symplectites replacing garnet in amphibolites of the Peloritani Mountain (Northeastern Sicily)"



[2020 – 2021] – University of Catania, Italy
Integrated lab teacher 
Laboratory of Applicazioni Informatiche alle Scienze della Terra 
for Bachelor's students in Geological Sciences

[2019 – 2020] – University of Catania, Italy
Tutoring basic computer science for Bachelor's students in Geological Sciences

[10/2019 – 12/2019] – Ragusa, Italy
English translator at ManPower S.r.l. Fil. Ragusa Colajanni
within the project "Land 2D and 3D seismic project in the Fiume Tellaro concession in Sicily, Italy",
in collaboration with Maurel & Prom Italia, GII (The Geophysical Institute of Israel) and University of Catania



Italian: Mother tongue
English: CEFR level B1.1 (Trinity Certification, Grade 5)



  • Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher) – advanced skills
  • Standalone Python programming and ArcGIS Python programming – advanced skills
  • Use of the software Stereonet and ArcStereoNet (Ortolano et. al., 2021) for statistical analysis and stereographic projection of azimuthal data – advanced skills
  • Use of the software Q-XRMA (Ortolano et al., 2018) for the quantitative image analysis of thin sections of natural and artificial rocks – advanced skills
  • Use of GIS software (ArcGIS and QGIS) – good skills
  • Use of the software Perple_X for the reconstruction of thermodynamically coherent pseudo-sections – good skills
  • Use of the software MFA (Visalli et al., 2021) for the quantitative micro-structural analysis of thin sections of natural and artificial rocks – good skills
  • MATLAB programming – basic skills

My research activity is focused on the experimentation, development and implementation of innovative techniques for the study, classification and extrapolation of quantitative parameters from natural and artificial stone samples. In particular, machine-learning algorithms play an important role in the analysis of multi-parametric geodata extracted from rocks thin sections, such as the distribution maps of chemical elements (X-ray maps), Back-Scattered Electrons (BSE) maps, high definition optical scans.

During my training I developed interest and skills in software development and algorithms implementation, useful to assist research in the petrological-petrographic and geological-structural fields, for example Auto-QAPF Plutonic (automatic classification of plutonic rocks) and ArcStereoNet (statistical analysis of azimuthal data and realization of stereographic projections and rose diagrams within the ArcGIS platform).

  1. Ortolano, G.; D’Agostino, A.; Pagano, M.; Visalli, R.; Zucali, M.; Fazio, E.; Alsop, I.; Cirrincione, R. ArcStereoNet: A New ArcGIS® Toolbox for Projection and Analysis of Meso- and Micro-Structural Data. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 202110. 

  2. Ortolano, G.; D’Agostino, A.; Visalli, R.; Cirrincione, R. Plutonic rocks classification: A child’s play. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. Ital. 201949, 46–54. 