Davide Caliò

PhD Student
PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences - XXXVI cycle
Tutor: Giovanna Pappalardo

The research activity focused on the study of hydrogeological instability phenomena at various scales, using multi-sensor remote sensing techniques. Specifically, aerophotogrammetric techniques from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and terrestrial techniques, using digital optical sensors and thermal radiometric sensors, were employed. These techniques allowed for the detailed reproduction of three-dimensional digital models, in which numerous measurements aimed at studying the instability and future securing of certain sectors of the Sicilian territory were carried out. To obtain a large-scale view of the aforementioned issues, studies of multi-constellation Satellite Radar Interferometry (InSAR) were conducted in collaboration with the Department of Earth, Environment, and Resource Sciences (DiSTAR) of the Federico II University of Naples, for the measurement of surface deformations