Mario Di Stefano

PhD Student
PhD in Earth and Environmental Sciences - XXXVIII cycle
Tutor: Antonia Egidia Cristaudo


PhD student in Earth and Environmental sciences. 10/2022 – Current

University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Field of study: Germination eco-physiology

Title of the thesis: Dynamics of Mediterranean temporary ponds plant communities and potential impacts of climate change





Licence to practice as a biologist. 11/2023

University of Catania

Grade: 47/50


Master's Degree in Environmental Biology (LM-06). 04/2022

University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Field of study: Germination ecology 

Thesis: Germination behavior of Mediterranean temporary ponds species: Ranunculus lateriflorus DC. and Ranunculus ophioglossifolius Vill.

Grade: 110/110 cum laude


Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences (L-13). 02/2020

University of Catania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences

Thesis: Coastal wetlands of eastern Sicily: key environments in biodiversity conservation

Grade: 110/110 cum laude





Qualified tutor. 13/10/2023 – Current

University of Catania; course in Plant Morphology and Physiology (Bachelor of Biological Sciences)

Supporting students and organizing the conduct of intermediate examinations (20 hours)


Scholarship. 03/12/2020 – 03/06/2021

Germplasm Bank, University of Catania

Cleaning, characterization and conservation of germplasm related to target species of Sicilian wildflora. Overall duration: 6 months


Internship. 01/07/2019 – 10/10/2019

Germplasm Bank, University of Catania

Collection, cleaning and conservation of germplasm belonging to the Sicilian wild flora (128 hours; 5 CFU).


Stage. 19/03/2019 – 21/05/2019

Germplasm Bank, University of Catania

Preparation and conduct of germination tests on germplasm related to threatened Sicilian endemic flora (45 hours).

My research project aims to understand the germination dynamics of species characterising Mediterranean temporary ponds (MTPs, habitat 3170*, Directive 92/43/EEC).
The germination behaviour of target species is studied through the development of predictive models of the germination niche under different climate change scenarios. This will be achieved through:
- analysis of environmental factors influencing germination
- identification of dormancy mechanisms
The achievement of the objectives will help to indicate the physiological factors controlling germination and to assess the potential effects of climate change on MTPs plant species and communities.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information