Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: ROSITA ANGELA CONDORELLI

Expected Learning Outcomes

Basic formative targets:

·         Fundamental knowledge of anatomy and physiology of endocrine and metabolic systems; Physiopathology of endocrine and metabolic disease onset; Main endocrine and metabolic diseases.


Formative targets of the class:

·         Acquisition of the fundamental theoretical knowledge needed for comprehension of endocrine system diseases andrological diseases and metabolic diseases

·         Acquisition of the knowledge related to functional and instrumental endocrine/metabolic semeiotic;

·         Acquisition of the theoretical knowledge needed to recognize the main diseases which constitute endocrine and metabolic emergencies;

·         Acquisition of the theoretical knowledge related to endocrine alterations responsible for defects of reproductive activity of male and female, including infectious, disendocrine, dismetabolic aspects;

·         Acquisition of the theoretical knowledge related to diagnosis of tumor diseases of endocrine glands and hormone-dependent tumors;

·         Acquisition of the theoretical knowledge related to epidemiology, prevention, differential diagnosis of the different forms of obesity and thinness;

·         Acquisition of the theoretical knowledge relative to epidemiology and primary and secondary prevention, diagnosis of the various forms of diabetes mellitus, including childhood diabetes and gestational diabetes, and diagnostic prevention and multidisciplinary treatment of risk factors for chronic complications of diabetes (ocular, renal, cardiovascular, etc.);


Course Structure

Slide presentation

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, biology and physiology.

Attendance of Lessons

Attendance at training activities is compulsory within the limits of at least 75% of the frontal and interactive frontal teaching activity of each course and at least 50% of each single logistic unit (module) of the course itself.

Detailed Course Content

Course contents

Physiology of the male gonad

Analysis of seminal fluid

Testicular diseases

Erectile dysfunction

Premature ejaculation

Physiology of the female gonad


Polycystic ovary syndrome

Couple infertility

Pathophysiology of diabetic disease

Diabetes mellitus classification and guidelines

Clinical classification of diabetes mellitus

Acute complications of diabetes mellitus

Chronic complications diabetes mellitus

Behavioral and nutritional therapy in diabetes mellitus

Drug therapy and technology in diabetes mellitus

Anatomy and Physiology of the Thyroid

Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism

Goiter, thyroid nodule and thyroid tumors

Acute/subacute, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis

Thyroid during pregnancy

Adrenal diseases: hypofunction

Adrenal diseases: hyperfunction


Textbook Information

 -   Endocrinologia: Malattie del Metabolismo. IV Edizione. Giugliano e Autori vari. Edizioni Idelson-Gnocchi, Napoli, Maggio 2020. ISBN 8879476572

·     -    Uniendo. Lenzi A, Lombardi G, Martino E, Vigneri R. Minerva Medica. First Edition. 2010. ISBN 13978-88-7711-693-2

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral exam at the end of the course.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

What are the main parameters of seminal fluid?

How is BMI calculated?

How many forms of hypothyroidism do you know?