Academic Year 2023/2024 - Teacher: Rosalda PUNTURO

Expected Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and skills for understanding the physical properties of minerals and crustal and mantle rocks, the methodologies aimed to the petrophysical characterization of rocks, the fields of applications of petrophysics and the planning of petrophysical investigations.

Course Structure

Interactive classes; practical activities. Problem solving teaching method.

Required Prerequisites

Knowledge of the topics covered in petrography, structural geology, geophysics.

Attendance of Lessons

Attending lessons is a fundamental requirement for an informed and constructive educational path. Course attendance is mandatory and this is explicitly mentioned in the Official Study Plan. Attendance is considered acquired if the student has attended at least 70% of the curricular hours envisaged by the discipline.

Detailed Course Content

Physical properties of rock-forming minerals.  Elastic properties of rocks and their relationship with textural and compositional properties as a function of pressure and temperature. Role of shape parameters: elongation, crystal preferred orietnations, modal composition etc.Extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. Mono- and poly-crystal aggregates. Physical properties of rocks (e.g. Vp, Vs, seismic anisotropy, density, magnetism).Porosity: role of pores and microfractures. Interpretation od petrophysical data obtained either from outcrops and from boreholes. Applications to geological modeling. CAse studies. Overview of applications to georesources and cristical materials and to Cultural heritage studies. Overview of main methodologies adopted in petrophysical studies.

Textbook Information

1. Physical properties of rocks. A workbook. J.H. Schoen. Elsevier.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Proprietà fisiche di minerali e rocceSChoen
2Physical properties of minerals and rocksSchoen

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

Oral interview on the topics covered. Discussion on the report prepared by the student.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Calculation of the density of a rock based on the constituent minerals.

Elastic properties and role of pressure.

POisson coefficient of minerals.

Construct a Vp log based on the lithological data of a drilling

Magnetic properties of minerals.

Seismic anisotropy in minerals and rocks

Application of analytical methodologies for the knowledge of hydrocarbon reservoirs