Academic Year 2022/2023 - Teacher: MARISA GIUFFRIDA

Expected Learning Outcomes

Providing adequate knowledge of hazard factors related to the volcanic activity, in particular effusive and eruptive events producing lava flow emplacement, tephra fallout, gas exhalation and other associated events such as tsunamis and lahars. Knowledge of the main petrological, geochemical and geophysical monitoring techniques in volcanic areas.

Course Structure

42 hours (6 CFU) of lectures; 36 hours (3 CFU) of laboratory activity including didactic visits to volcanic areas and surveillance centers. All lessons will be held in English.

Required Prerequisites

Fundaments of volcanology, geochemistry, geophysics of solid Earth.

Attendance of Lessons


Detailed Course Content



§  Global distribution of active volcanoes and classification of volcanic activity types

§  Definition of Hazard and Risk assessment

Volcanic Hazard

§  Basaltic lava flow hazard

§  Volcanic ash impact and hazard

§  Pyroclastic density currents

§  Lahars

§  Volcanic gas and aerosol

§  Human and structural vulnerability

§  Volcanic Hazard and Risk map

§  Geostatistical models for the estimation of volcanic hazard

§  Mitigation interventions

Introduction to volcano monitoring techniques

§  History of volcano observations.

§  The present status of volcano surveillance and future perspectives.

§  Overview of methods and models to forecast eruptions and identification of precursory signals.

Geophysical surveillance

§  Seismo-volcanic signals for the prediction of volcanic eruptions and vulnerability curve assessment.

§  Ground-deformation and gravity observations.

§  Satellite and thermal monitoring techniques.

Monitoring of volcanic gases

§  Chemical characters of the gaseous phase in different stages of volcanism.

§  Ground-based gas measurements vs remote sensing techniques: the use of MultiGAS instruments compared to COSPEC and DOAS spectrometry.

Petrological monitoring of active volcanoes

§  Common petrologic procedures and operative protocols during ongoing eruptions.

§  Physical and chemical models applied to volcanic products to constrain the pre-eruptive properties of magmas.

§  Using crystal chemistry for tracking the temporal changes of volcano plumbing systems.

Case histories and prediction of volcanic eruptions

§  Impact of large eruptions on global climate

§  Integrated monitoring of volcanoes in Japan. The case of Sakurajima and Asama volcanoes.

§  Geochemical surveillance programs in areas of quiescent volcanism: Examples from Vulcano Island and the Phlegrean Fields.

§  The monitoring network at Mt. Etna.  

Textbook Information

§  Dosseto A., Turner S.P. &Van Orman J.A. (2011). Timescales of magmatic processes: from core to atmosphere. Chapter 7. Wiley-Blackwell, 272 pp.

§  Latter, J.H. (1989). Volcanic hazards assessment and monitoring. In: Proceedings in Volcanology 1. Springer-Verlag, 625 pp.

§  Papale P. (2020). Forecasting and planning for volcanic hazards, risks and disasters. Elsevier, 708 pp.

§  Scarpa R. & Tilling R.I. (2012). Monitoring and mitigation of volcano hazard. Springer Berlin, 842 pp.

§  Shroder J.F. & Papale P. (2015). Volcanic hazards, risks and disasters. Elsevier, 532 pp.

§  Mader H.M. et al. (2006). Statistics in Volcanology. The Geological Society of London, 285 pp.

Course Planning

 SubjectsText References
1Global distribution of active volcanoes and classification of volcanic activity typesShroder & Papale (2015).
2 Definition of Hazard and Risk assessment Mader et al. (2006); Scarpa & Tilling (2012); Shroder & Papale (2015); Papale P. (2020).
3 Basaltic lava flow and volcanic ash impact and hazard Shroder & Papale (2015).
4Pyroclastic density currents and laharsShroder & Papale (2015).
5 Volcanic gas and aerosol Shroder & Papale (2015).
6 Human and structural vulnerability, volcanic hazard and Risk map. Supplementary material; Papale P. (2020).
7Geostatistical models for the estimation of volcanic hazard. Mader et al. (2006); Shroder & Papale (2015).
8 Mitigation interventions Supplementary material.
9 History of volcano observations, present status of volcano surveillance and future perspectives Shroder & Papale (2015); Scarpa & Tilling (2012); Supplementary material.
10 Overview of methods and models to forecast eruptions with identification of precursory signals Papale (2020); Scarpa & Tilling (2012); Supplementary material.
11 Seismo-volcanic signals for the prediction of volcanic eruptions Papale (2020); Shroder & Papale (2015); Scarpa & Tilling (2012); Supplementary material.
12 Ground-deformation and gravity observations Scarpa & Tilling (2012); Papale (2020); Supplementary material.
13 Satellite and thermal monitoring techniques Scarpa & Tilling (2012); Supplementary material.
14 Chemical characters of the gaseous phase in different stages of volcanism Scarpa & Tilling (2012); Supplementary material.
15 Ground-based gas measurements vs remote sensing techniques Supplementary material.
16 Petrological monitoring of active volcanoes. Papale (2020); Supplementary material.

Learning Assessment

Learning Assessment Procedures

The final exam consist in an oral test of about 30 minutes with a final evaluation based on the knowledge of the topics of the program. The exam is aimed to evaluate the degree of learning reached by the student on the theoretical and methodological contents reported in the program and to asses the capacity of properly expose the acquired concepts. As guarantee of equal opportunities, students can request a personal consultation with the teacher in order to schedule possible compensatory measures based on specific needs.

Examples of frequently asked questions and / or exercises

Definition of Volcanic hazard and risk.

Impact and hazard related to basaltic lava flow.

Describe the most common mitigation interventions during volcanic eruption.

The present status of volcano surveillance in the world.

Types of observations that may provide timely warnings of volcano reawakening.

Seismic methods for monitoring active volcanoes.

Geodetic measurements and instrumentation.

Recent advances in satellite remote sensing technology.

Variations in chemical properties of volcanic gases before eruptions.

Benefits of using COSPEC or DOAS spectrometry with respect to direct gas sampling methods.

Petrological monitoring procedures and disclosures.

Common models applied to unravel the physical-chemical properties of magmas and reconstruct pre-eruptive dynamics.

The importance of modelling the chemical record of volcanic crystals.