The Urban Street as a Pollution Hot-spot: Simulations and Measurements for Model Evaluation - Alfred Micallef, University of Malta

The Urban Street as a Pollution Hot-spot: Simulations and Measurements for Model Evaluation

Seminar delivered by Alfred Micallef (



The increase in population density and number of motor vehicles in city streets has exacerbated the urban air pollution problem. Recently, the emphasis has been on airborne particulate matter resulting from combustion processes since epidemiological studies carried out in different parts of the world have indicated a correlation between morbidity and daily mortality, and concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5, and even more so for PM1.0). A major urban source of the latter is motor vehicles. This is particularly true at air pollution hot-spots within the city road network, which include signalised street intersections and street canyons. In this seminar, emphasis will be on street canyons.

The presentation will include the experimental and modelled results of two air pollution monitoring campaigns undertaken in a typical street canyon, having an aspect ratio of one, and moderate traffic volume. The two sets of data (modelled and measured) will be compared as a means of evaluation of the model used and hence test its applicability in air quality review and management. The experimental results and modelled air pollution scenarios will be discussed to highlight problems associated with the siting of urban air quality monitoring stations and air quality standards.


Il seminario si terrà giorno 18 Dicembre 11.00-12.00 presso l'aula Ponte.



Data di pubblicazione: 17/12/2023

Vai alla scheda della prof.ssa Rosanna Maniscalco