Maria Antonietta Rosso
I am Full Professor in Palaeontology and Palaeoecology and expert of bryozoan taxonomy.
I am fond of these small marine animals exhibiting fantastic morphologies, and whose living and fossil species can be extremely informative about environmental parameters and their changes at small- and large-scale during time.
To look for them, I joined oceanographic cruises and field surveys all around the world, visited museums and collections, and undertaken collaborations with several, mostly European researchers.
I investigate fossils and present-day communities focusing on climate change and human-induced environmental changes, and their bearing on the marine biota, to the knowledge of past and present biodiversity, and its preservation for future generations.
I increase the collections and promote the palaeontological heritage of my institution dealing with the Paleontological Museum (for which I am the scientific responsible). Through this activity and teaching, I intercept and promote the curiosity of students in palaeontological topics.
1982: Degree in Geological Sciences: University of Catania;
1989: PhD in Environmental Sciences: Marine Environment and Resources, University of Messina;
1989: Researcher: Istituto Policattedra di Oceanologia e Paleoecologia, University of Catania;
1994-today: member of the CoNISMa (National Interuniversitary Consortium for the Sciences of the Sea).
2000: Associate Professor in Palaeontology and Palaeoecology: Department of Geological Sciences, University of Catania;
2002-oggi: Full Professor in Palaeontology and Palaeoecology: Department of Geological Sciences, University of Catania until 2011, now Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania;
2007-2014: Expert Evaluator for the EU FP7 (Environment)
2008-2013: Member of the Doctorate in Environmental Sciences: Marine Environment and Resources (Universities of Messina, Catania, Napoli “Federico II”, Napoli “Parthenope”);
2009-2011: Delegate for the relationships with students of the Faculty of Science;
2010-2011: Expert Evaluator for the Binational (Israele-USA) Science Foundation.
2010-2011: In the team of experts helping the Assessorato Territorio e Ambiente of the Sicily Region (Dipartimento Regionale dell’Ambiente-Gestione e affari relativi ai Siti di Importanza Comunitaria e Zone di Protezione Speciale) for the selection of SICs in marine areas in Sicily.
2011-2016: Director of the Museo di Scienze della Terra
2011-2012: Member of the Technical Commission for the Sistema Museale of the University of Catania;
2013-2014: Member of the Dottorate del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, University of Catania
2013, 2017 and 2022: Expert Evaluator for the Polish Science Foundation.
2013-2020: Delegate of the Rector within the Consiglio Direttivo of the CoNISMa (National Interuniversitary Consortium for the Sciences of the Sea).
2016-today: Member of the Dottorate in: Scienze della Terra e dell’Ambiente, University of Catania.
2017-today: Scientific Responsible of the Museo di Paleontologia of the Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali of the University of Catania.
2022: Expert evaluator for the Austrian Science Foundation.
2022-oggi: Member of the National Doctorate in Sustainable Development and Climate Change DSC, IUSS Pavia.
President of the IBA (International Bryozoology Association): 2019-2022; member since 1990, in the Directive Board (2001-2007).
Member of the Società Paleontologica Italiana since 1990, in the directive board (2000-2003).
Member of the Accademia Gioenia di Catania since 2005, in the Directive Board (2017-2023).
Member of the Società Italiana di Biologia Marina since 1987.
Affiliated to the Stazione Zoologica Anthon Dorhn of Naples since 2015 and in the MoTax group.
- Member of several commissions for Full and Associate Professors and for selecting professors and researchers in Italy and abroad (New Zealand, Spain)
- Among the members eligible for the commissions for the ASN (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) (2016-18, 2018-20; 2021-23; 2023-24)
- In the list of researchers in REPRISE
- Member of commissions for the assignment of research grants.
- Member of commissions for the assignment of PhD in Italy and abroad (University of Tunis, Tunisia, 2012; University of Utrect, Holland, 2014; Univerity of Chennai, India, 2023).
- Tutor/co-tutor for 6 “assegni di ricerca” (dal 2003).
- Tutor for 2 annual grants for research training in bryozoan taxonomy (2008-2009 and 2009-2010)
- Tutor of a PhD student 4 PhD students (2000-2003; 2022-ongoing; 2023- ongoing) and about 120 graduation or master theses of students in Geological Sciences, Marine Biology and Sciences of the Sea (since 1990).
Last edit: 02/02/2021
Academic Year 2021/2022
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2020/2021
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2019/2020
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2018/2019
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2017/2018
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2016/2017
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences - 2nd Year
Academic Year 2015/2016
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Master's Degree in Geological Sciences - 1st Year
Bachelor's Degree in Geological Sciences - 2nd Year
Research activity, arranged in: Overview, Projects, review activity, field work
Antonietta Rosso investigates biodiversity of living and dead/fossil marine benthic assemblages, mostly using bryozoans. Her research activity focuses on: 1) evaluation of bio/palaeo-bio-diversity, and its evolution in time and space in several areas including Antarctica and the Magellan Strait, Andaman Sea, north and central Atlantic and mostly the Mediterranean, with particular emphasis on the inheritance on biodiversity of the geological, climatic and palaeo-environmental changes happened in this basin in the last million years; 2) organisms-environment interactions; 3) composition and structure of communities formed by the in situ active growth of skeletonised organisms including biostalactites formed inside shallow-water submarine caves, coralligenous, and ColdWater Coral (CWC) habitats; 4) internal variability and spatial distribution of benthic communities in relation to: bottom physiography and geological and sedimentological nature of the substratum, sediment input and rate, physical and chemical characteristics of water body and near-bottom hydrodynamics; 5) identification and evaluation of long and mid-term ecological changes (including Holocene sea level fluctuations and climate change) and mid and brief term changes, also caused by human activities in historical and recent time as well as sudden catastrophic events, such as bottom sliding and tsunamis; 6) native and alien species distribution, vicariance, and diffusion; 7) Promotion of museum’s heritage; 8) dissemination of science through exhibitions and public events mostly in schools.
As a taxonomist, AR has a robust experience documented by numerous papers, dealing with establishment of new species and higher taxa, taxonomic revisions, reviews updating the Mediterranean bryozoan biodiversity, identification and description of alien bryozoan species and their diffusion in Italian waters and in the Mediterranean Sea.
She is presently involved in projects in taxonomy and mapping and benthic community characterization, mostly in the Mediterranean Sea.
Author/coauthor of more than 200 papers, mostly appeared on ISI journals, including 127 papers published on ISI journals (127 reported on Scopus at the beginning of 2024, including 101 appeared after 2010), and ca 80 on non-ISI journals. Further products include: 2 maps; 140 oral communications at meetings (as speaker or as co-author) and 73 posters.
Scopus: citations: 2972; h-index: 28.
Google Scholar: citations: 4936; h-index: 33; i10-index: 116.
Research Projects
Coordination of Local Research Units within National Projects:
2020 (June)-2022 (November): FISR 2019 call: CRESCIBLU-REEF "Grown in the blue: new technologies for knowledge and safeguard of Mediterranean reefs” Coordination of 1 of the 3 Local Units; Unit cost: Euro 395.818,00. Founding Euro 316.654,40.
2008-2010: MATTM 3AMP: Analysis of the bryozoan communities in a study on the biodiversity of submarine caves – CODICE HABITAT 8330 – in the selected Marine Protected areas of Pelagie, Plemmirio and Capo Caccia
2006–2008: MATTM 4AMP Analysis of the bryozoan communities in a study on the biodiversity of coralligenous and infralittoral algae communities in the 4 selected MPAs (Egadi Islands, Porto Cesareo, Capo Rizzuto, Asinara Island).
2004-2007: FIRB-APLABES – White Corals Biocostructions in the southern Ionian Sea – Apulian Plateau Bank, focusing on the Leuca CWC mound province and investigating present-day and past facies and the relationships between the bioconstruction and neighboring habitats.
2000-2001: Ministry of the Environment: “Bathymetric, sedimentological and bonomical cartography of the Marine Protected Area of the Ciclopi Islands”.
1994-1995: PRIN “Composition and structure of bathyal palaeocommunities in the Plio-Pleistocene.
Coordination of Research Projects funded by the University of Catania:
2020-2024: Catania University grants: PIACERI- PIano di inCEntivi per la Ricerca di Ateneo 2020/2022: Biodiversity and palaeobiodiversity of invertebrate and macroalgae in marine habitats. Founding: Euro 35.711,36. Four researchers.
2018-2019 and 2019-2020: Catania University grants. Biodiversity and palaeobiodiversity of relevant marine habitats. 4 researchers.
2015-2017: Progetto FIR: Biodiversità e variazioni spazio-temporali di comunità a Cystoseira della Biocenosi delle Alghe Infralitorali nell’Area Marina Protetta Isole Ciclopi (Mar Ionio) – CIMPA-BioChange
2015–2017: Catania University grants (FIR): Biodiversity and spatio-temporal variations of Cystoseira communities within the Infralittoral Algae in the Ciclopi Islands Marine Protected Area (Ionian Sea) - CIMPA–BIOCHANGE on the evaluation of the status of selected facies.
Partecipation to local and national projects:
2011-2015: COCARDE –ERN Network– COld-water CArbonate Reservoir systems in Deep Environments.
2011-2014: BIOMAP “Bioconstruzioni marine in Puglia, P.O. FESR 2007-2013. Asse 4, Linea 4.4. Misure per il network ecologico”, funded by the Regione Puglia, to study the Coralligenous Biocoenosis, with special charge on bryozoan biodiversity.
2012-2013: Marine Strategy, within CoNISMa (Consorzio Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare) projects, to the evaluation of the “good environmental status” for particular sectors and benthic associations strategic for Italy.
2006-2008: Geologic cartography of the Messina Strait area.
2005-2006: PRIN: cartography of the coastal area and evaluation of the tsunami impact in the Kao Lack area, within the project: Holocene evoluzione and present-day environments in tropical coastal areas: a pilot study in the Gulf of Thailand.
1999-2000: PRIN: Composition and structure of Quaternary paleopopulations in relation to climatic variability.
1994-1996: EOCUMM 1994 and EOCUMM 1995 on the characterisation of Gioia and Cefalù basins, focusing on present-day living and dead associations from the shelf and the continental slope.
1994: PNRA and Joint German-Italian-Chilean project on subantarctic areas (Magellan Strait). Identification and characterisation of benthonic assemblages.
1993-1994: EU project (France-Italy-Greece) for the recovery of polluted coastal areas.
1992-1996: Studies for the feasability for the Marine Protected Areas of Pelagie, Eolie and Ciclopi Islands Archipelagos.
1990-1991: Nature and evolution of the Bancks with red coral off Sciacca (Sicily Strait).
1987-1995: PNRA (Italian National Antarctic Project): Identification and characterisation of benthonic associations in the Ross Sea (Antarctica).
1984-1985: Sedimentologic and bionomic cartography of the coastal areas of Sicily down to 50 m isobath.
1981-1984: Bionomic cartography of the continental shelf of the Gulf of Noto (SE Sicily).
Applied Sciences
Aquatic Invasions
Atti Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali
Bioinvasions Records
Biologia Marina Mediterranea
Boletin Sociedad Geologica Mexicana
Bollettino Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali
Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana
Buletin de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural
Cahiers de Biologie Marine
Check List - The Journal of Biodiversity Data
Deep Sea Research I
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research
Environmental Science
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences
European Journal of Taxonomy
Florida Museum of Natural History
Frontiers in Marine Sciences
Gortania- Atti Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale
IBA- International Bryozoology Association Proceedings
Il Naturalista Siciliano
Italian Journal of Zoology
Journal of Environmental Sciences
Journal of Marine Science & Engineering
Journal of Marine Science & Research Development
Journal of Natural History
Journal of Palaeontology
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK
Journal of Threatened Taxa
Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems
Marine Biodiversity
Marine Biodiversity Records
Marine Biology Research
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Marine Geology
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Mediterranean Marine Science
Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists
Memorie di Scienze Geologiche
Museologia Scientifica
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie
Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review
Open Paleontology
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Paleontologia Electronica
Polish Polar Research
Progress in Oceanography
Regional Studies in Marine Science
Rendiconti online della Società Geologica Italiana
The Holocene
Reviewer also for articles appeared on tematic volumes published by Springer and Balkema, proceedings of meetings of the IBA-International Bryozoology Assocation and of the Italian Paleontological Association (Società Italiana di Paleontologia) and of the biological association (Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Società Italiana di Biogeografia) as well as of international boarding for the international SPA RAC – Agency for Specially Protected Areas/Regional Activity Centre for the Mediterranean.
Field work
Oceanografic cruises
2021-2023: Several CRESCIBLUREEF cruises in the Gulf of Noto to collect samples of Coralligenous bioconstructions and their adjacent sediments.
2010: December: MEDCOR cruise in the Sicily Strait and around the Maltese Islands on board of Urania (ISMAR-CNR, Italy).
2009-2010: Cruises within the MATTM 3 AMP project in Sicily and Sardinia to collect samples within shallow water submarine caves.
2009: October: Field survey in Thailand, Pucket area, Andamane Sea.
2008: October: MERC cruise in the Messina Strait, on board of the Universitatis; Cruice chief for the last part of the cruise.
2005-2006: two APLABES cruises on the Apulian continental slope, off S. Maria di Leuca, on board of the Universitatis.
2000: July: Ciclopi 2000 cruice, in the Marine Protected Area of the Ciclopi Islands, on board of Marenostrum.
1995: June-July: EOCUMM cruisein the Cefalù and Gioia basins, on board of the Magnaghi.
1994: January: Joint German-Italian-Chilean survey in the Magellan Strait.
1983–1996: Several cruises in different sectors of Sicily shelf (Ustica, Gulf of Noto, Gulf of Milazzo, Banco Graham bank and other localities in the Sicily Strait).
1982, July: PS/82 survey in the SE sector of the Sicilia shelf, on board of Lachea
1981: July: PS/81survey in the Gulf of Noto, on board of Lachea.
Field surveys and sampling on land
2016: May: 2 weeks. Palaeoecological surveys in Permian and Mesozoic deposits of SW Australia.
2009: October: field survey in Thailandia, Pucket area.
2003: April: survey and sampling in several Tirrhenian outcrops along the coast of Tunisia.
2001: May: sampling survey in North Morocco.
1994: January: Searching of Quaternary fossiliferous outcrops and sampling in Patagonia (Chile)
1982-oggi: several surveys and sampling on fossiliferous, mostly Cenozoic, outcrops, in several localities, mostly in Sicily and Calabria. Main areas of interest are: Messina and surroundings, the Milazzo peninsula, Catania, Acicastello, Acitrezza and surroundings; Caltagirone and surroundings; Reggio Calabria and surroundings; Vibo Valentia; Southern Umbria; Custonaci (TP); Altavilla (PA).
Soggiorni di ricerca
2017: 2 weeks: Senkemberg Institute of Wilhelmshaven, Germany
2000: 1 month: Sancherdi, Island
1990: 1 month: Concepcion, Chile
1987: 1 month: Station Marine d’Endoume, Marseille, France
1985: 4 months: Lyon, France.
Member of the editorial staff of:
Mediterranean Marine Science, since Luglio 2015
Oceans, since 2019
Marine Biology, since Dicembre 2021.
Frontiers in Earth Science – Paleontology: since April 2022
Bollettino dell’Accademia Gioenia di Catania, since Gennaio 2024
Guest editor for the: Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana and for Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali for the volumes reported below:
Rosso A., Wyse Jackson P.N., Porter J. (eds) 2013. Bryozoan Studies 2013. Proceedings of the XVI International Conference IBA Catania. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, 61: volume including 31 papers for a total of 304 pages.
Rosso A., Sanfilippo R. (eds) 2013. XII Giornate di Paleontologia – 24-26 May 2012. Actes of the Meeting. Bollettino Società Paleontologica Italiana. 52(1): issue including 8 papers for a total of 70 pages.
Sanfilippo R., Rosso A. (eds) 2013. XII Giornate di Paleontologia – 24-26 May 2012. Atti del Convegno. Bollettino Società Paleontologica Italiana. 52(3): issue including 7 papers for a total of 90 pages.
Museum and Science dissemination, arranged in: Museum, Projects, Exibitions, Further events, Books, Popularisation notes
As a paleontologist large part of my activity is devoted to conservation and promotion of the studied material. This approach also implies a significant activity in the museum field including the organization of numerous temporary and permanent exhibitions as well as a strong propensity for science dissemination through writings and seminars.
Such activities have been carried out since the mid-1980s in collaboration with the Paolo Orsi Museum of Syracuse for the creation of the introductory geological-paleontological section of that Museum, exhibitions still persisting unchanged.
These activities have intensified in the decade 2005-2015 when I was the Director of the Museum of Earth Sciences of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Catania (, with the promotion of projects and the creation of a series of exhibitions.
Further activities were also promoted, in collaboration with other colleagues, within initiatives such as "The Researcher's Night" in 2008 and "The Week of Scientific Dissemination" starting in 2010. Since the beginning of the events under the umbrella of "The Research Week of the Terra Planet”, special activities were organized in 2012 (, 2014 ( and 2015 (
2023 - Responsible representing the Museum of Paleontology of Catania for the agreement between the Museum Systems of the Universities of Florence and Catania relating to the Museum of Geology and Paleontology of Florence and the Museum of Paleontology of Catania for the exchange of skills and materials to be studied between the two institutions.
2023- Responsible for the agreement between the Museum of Paleontology and the Universities of Connecticut (UCONN) and Washington in St. Louis (WUSTL) for the study of lithic material from Sicilian prehistoric sites hosed at the Museum of Paleontoology (Project EOS – Dr. Ilaria Patania for the study of human migrations and environmental adaptations in Sicily).
Agreement with the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (Salvador Moyà-Solà, Meike Koeler, Xavier Giordana) for the study of the remains of Elephas falconeri from the Spinagallo Cave (Syracuse) housed in the paleontological collections of the Museum of Paleontology of the University of Catania (in collaboration with Sanfilippo R. and Sciuto F.).
2013-2014: MIUR Law 6/2000-Initiatives for the Dissemination of Scientific Culture "At the bottom of the sea: explorations and research of marine geology and geobiology", in collaboration with the University of Milan-Bicocca with traveling exhibitions in schools and scientific cafés.
2012-2015: RITMARE – Italian Research for the SEA, as head of Research Unit 3 within Subproject 6, Work Package 2, Action 1 (URL 03, AZ 1, WP 2, SP 6). Marine sciences at schools (
2011: MIUR Legge 6/2000-Initiatives for the Dissemination of Scientific Culture: "An exhibition and multimedia journey to discover the Sicilian museum heritage: fossils, minerals and volcanic rocks".
Exhibitions: Design and creation of exhibitions
2014, inaugurated in October. “Biodiversity of the seas: the story told by fossils”. Permanent exhibition at the Museum of Paleontology of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania. The exhibition was created within the RITMARE Project (Responsible Rosso A.), conceived and curated by A. Rosso and R. Sanfilippo and created in collaboration with E. Di Martino and R. Di Geronimo, and with the help of I. Di Geronimo, F. Sciuto, G. Alongi, M. Campisi, R. Bruno, A. Chiarenza, A. Giuffrida, M. Vitaliti .
2014, inaugurated in May: “The biodiversity of the Mediterranean: yesterday and today” Exhibition at the Museum of Paleontology of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania. The exhibition was created within the RITMARE Project (Responsible Rosso A.), conceived and edited by A. Rosso and R. Sanfilippo and created in collaboration with Sciuto F., Di Geronimo R., Di Martino E.
2012, inaugurated in October. “Fossils tell us the history of the Mediterranean”. Permanent exhibition at the Museum of Paleontology of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, created within the RITMARE Project (Responsible Rosso A.), conceived and curated by Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., and created in collaboration with Alongi G., Di Geronimo R., Chiarenza A.A., Vitaliti M.
2012, May. “Naturart”. Photographic exhibition connected to the Museum of Paleontology of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Catania, with an exhibition of photos by Rosso A. as well as by Sanfilippo R., Cirrincione L., Di Stefano A.
2010, inaugurated in October, “An exhibition and multimedia journey to discover the Sicilian museum heritage: fossils, minerals and volcanic rocks”. Exhibition at the Museum of Earth Sciences of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Catania, conceived by Rosso A., Sanfilippo R., Pezzino A., Viccaro M., and created in collaboration with Sciuto F., Calabrò C., Di Geronimo R., Mangano G., Di Geronimo I.
Exhibitions: Participation in the organization of exhibitions
2019: 9 September - 26 October 2019: Natura Elegans - Visual art and enchantment in the vintage wall plates of Natural History. Participation in the organization of the exhibition created after the initiative of the Accademia Gioenia of Catania, at the Zoology Museum. The exhibition of a selection of Zittel's paleontological tables owned by the Paleontological Museum of the University of Catania was curated.
2017: 10 October-31 December. Archivio di Stato di Catania: Exhibition “L’accademia Gioenia di Catania: a partnership for scientific progress”. Within this exhibition she curated the section relating to women in that Academy.
2017: 22 March: Scientific committee and participation as an exhibitor in the exhibition “Water through the microscope and the camera”, Galleria Plenum, Catania.
2016: February-May: Città della Scienza: “Balle di Scienza: stories of errors before and after Galileo, regarding the progress of paleontology through his errors”. Organized by INFN, University of Catania and Città della Scienza. Collaboration in the organization of the exhibition for which she curated the displays relating to some paleontological errors and particularly valuable finds (including a dwarf elephant), especially Sicilian ones present at the Paleontological Museum of the University of Catania.
2012: 24 April-24 June: “The paleontological materials of the Cafici brothers in the paleontology section of the Museum of Earth Sciences of the University of Catania”. Exhibition curated by Rosso A. & Sciuto F. within the exhibition “Archeology in Vizzini: Ippolito and Corrado Cafici between collecting and scientific research”, organized by the Paolo Orsi Museum of Syracuse in Vizzini, Palazzo Ventimiglia Trao.
2009. 30 October-16 December: Sala Vaccarini, Joined libraries Civica and Ursino Recupero: Exhibition "Science and Arts in the shadow of the Volcano": collaboration for the selection and display of paleontological remains.
2008: March-April: “Fossil flora of Etna”, at the Botanical Garden of Catania: collaboration for the selection of fossil plant remains in the Paleontological Museum collections.
Further events
29 September 2023: Piazza Università: Sharper Night: activity entitled: Discovering Mediterranean organisms, carried out in collaboration with Dr. Chiara Siddiolo.
12 May 2023: interview on Paleoloxodon falconeri given to Dr. Montesanti for a documentary entitled TERRAMATER.
23 July and 7 October 2022 (Week of Planet Earth), dissemination events in Marzamemi and Catania of the activities carried out within the CRESCIBLUREEF Project on Mediterranean Coralligenous habitat.
29 April 2022 - Participation as a speaker at the event: “Man needs the sea, the sea does not need man” at the Gabriele D'Annunzio school, Motta Sant'Anastasia (Catania).
30 September 2022: Piazza Università: Sharper Night: Meet the general public on the road with the activity: “Researcher for a minute: discover the organisms of the Coralligen of Marzamemi under the microscope”.
24 September 2021. Sharper Night 2021. Online activities: “The surprising biodiversity of the Mediterranean”.
24 November - Preparation of students for FAI Days - Apprentice guides.
19 April 2021: "To Each His Own" interactive online game with explanation seminar on the biodiversity of the seas and oceans, with the students of the Russo school in Giarre.
5-6 July 2021: Interviews on the Dwarf Elephant for a French documentary (with Pasquale Raia and Vincent Perazio).
27 November 2020: Rectorate of Catania, Sharper: virtual visit to the paleontological exhibitions of Mirabilia di Sicilia.
27 September 2019. Researcher's Night - Sharper 2019 - Central Palace. Educational workshops and presentation of the research of the Paleontology group of Catania.
23 November 2019. “All the senses of the Sea” Event to involve the visually impaired and otherwise in a multi-sensory journey to discover the sea and the organisms that populate it. Carried out in collaboration with the Blind Union of Catania and the Cus at the Central Palace, University of Catania (in collaboration with R. Sanfilippo, V. Ferrito, G. Alongi).
Various occasions during the year at Mirabilia di Sicilia, Central Rectorate Palace: Participation with the exhibition of materials from the Museum of Paleontology and an illustrative panel of the Museum.
Popularisation books
Sanfilippo R., Rosso A., Cirrincione R., Mangiameli S. 2014. MicroNaturart, voci dal microcosmo. Edizioni Arianna. ISBN: 978-88-98351-63-3, 75 pp.
Popularisation papers and notes
Sanfilippo R., Rosso A. 2021. Le vie dei fossili in Sicilia. Geologicamente, 4: 40-47.
Rosso A. e Sabella G. 2019. Avvertenze: 56-57. In: Natura Elegans - Arte visiva e magia nelle tavole parietali vintage di Storia naturale, a cura di M. Alberghina, G. Maimone ed.
Rosso A. Tavole parietali di Karl Alfred von Zittel: 84-97. In: Natura Elegans - Arte visiva e magia nelle tavole parietali vintage di Storia naturale, edited by M. Alberghina, G. Maimone ed.
Rosso A. 2014. Bryozoan permanent exhibition at the “Museo di Scienze della Terra” of the University of Catania. IBA Bulletin, 10(3): 4.
Rosso A. 2014. European bryozoans popularised: how taxonomy is made accessible to the general public. IBA Bulletin, 10(3): 21.
Rosso A., Sanfilippo R. 2011. Palazzo Adriano (Sicilia): I tesori della Pietra di Salomone.
Rosso A. 2008. La sezione Plio-pleistocenica di Castroreale. PaleoItalia, 18(1): 38.
Rosso A. 2005. Associazioni a coralli promotori di biodiversità in ambienti batiali pleistocenici. PaleoItalia, 13: 45.
Rosso A. 2004. Una questione di punte: nuove specie di briozoi attuali e fossili della Sicilia. PaleoItalia, 11 (2): 32.
Informative seminars
2023: 13 October: Jeannette Villepreux Power: life, research and relationships with the Academy. One of the three conferences to remember Power as part of the celebrations for the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Gioenia Academy of Natural Sciences of Catania.
2017: 30 November and 15 December: Convitto Cutelli and Liceo Galilei in Catania: "The habitats of the Mediterranean: present and future", 2 seminars held within the PNL.
2017: 16 November, Naval League of Catania: Porto Rossi: “The marine habitat and the state of health of the Mediterranean”
2017: 8 June, Auditorium S. Vincenzo Ferreri in Ragusa Ibla: “The submerged sea caves of Plemmirio” for: Geology & Karst in the Iblean Mountains, seminars and excursions in the Iblean Foreland
2017: 27 April, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Catania: “Climate variations over geological time”, for: Science not Silence: Climate change: science and research.
2017: 7 and 9 March: Catania, Botanical Garden: “Fossils tell us the history of the Mediterranean” and “Anthropocene, the age in which Man modified the Earth”, as part of the collaboration between Accademia Gioenia of Catania and NLP
2017: 18 February and 11 March: Convitto Cutelli and Liceo Galilei of Catania: "The sea and climate change: yesterday and today", 2 seminars held within the PNL.
2017: 22 February: Paternò: “Climate changes in the geological past” for the Scientific Degree Plan (PNL).
2016: 3 June, Custonaci: “Underwater caves and their colonization yesterday and today. Examples from north-western Sicily". Inside and outside the Mountain.
2016: 17 May, Gela: “Climate change and effects on marine organisms”. Scientific Degree Plan.
2015: 26 November, Catania, City of Science: “Climate variations over geological time”. Climatically 2015.
2015: 24 April, Custonaci: “The fossil caves”. Inside and outside the Mountain.
2014: March: Climate variations and marine organisms. Seminar for science teachers and students held in 4 different high schools in Catania and Lombardy.
2014: January 24. “A forty million year-long story: what fossils tell us about the evolution of the Mediterranean”. Prolusion inaugural session of the CXCI Year of the Gioenia Academy of Catania.
2012: April 24. “The Cafici brothers as paleontologists and the Cafici collection in the Museum of Earth Sciences of the University of Catania”. For the inauguration of the exhibition "Ippolito and Corrado Cafici between collecting and scientific research, Vizzini", organized by the Paolo Orsi Museum of Syracuse and the Municipality of Vizzini.
2012: January 26. “The deep gardens of the Mediterranean”. Seminar held for ANISN, eastern Sicily.
2010: November 27. “Geo-palaeontological characteristics of the Capo Milazzo Peninsula”. Rotary Conference: Marine Protected Area of Capo Milazzo for sustainable development of the territory. Milazzo.
2009: 10 October. “The seabed and the benthic biocenoses of the Aeolian Islands: a decade after the outposts”. Conference on Marine Protected Areas and Biodiversity. Lipari.
2009: February 27. “Geological changes and paleontology”: 2009 Darwinian Year. Symposium on Evolution, organized by the University of Catania, Zoology.
2008: “The activity of initiative 09: Paleontological aspects”. Conference on the CT-LE project. Catania.
2008: March 28. 2008. “Etna fossil flora: the Tornabene collection”. Botanical Garden, Catania.
Popularisation interviews and videos
2020: production of a video on the Museum of Paleontology as part of the SIMUA “Pillole di Museo” promotion campaign. In collaboration with R. Sanfilippo and the students C. Deias and G. Catania
2020: Design and creation of a video entitled Museum of Paleontology: archive of present and past biodiversity as part of the SIMUA promotion campaign “Research aperitifs”. In collaboration with R. Sanfilippo and F. Sciuto.
Orientation and “school-work” activities
April 2023: PCTO: Bioconstructions: the roles of marine organisms. Liceo Statale Principe Umberto, Catania, with visits to the Department's Paleontology Museum, laboratory on the recognition of coral organisms and preparation of a multimedia work on corals. - Tutor: Antonietta Rosso with R. Sanfilippo.
28 April 2022: Participation with seminar activities and interactive visits to the Museum of Paleontology at the departmental PCTO on: Interventi in favore delle istituzioni scolastiche statali di ogni ordine e grado, ai sensi dell’art. 1, lettera d, della L.R. 16/08/1975, n. 66 – Es. fin. 2020 – capitolo 373361 - Linea 2, “Iniziative progettuali di carattere innovativo e di integrazione tra i Sistemi di istruzione scolastica, universitaria, tecnico-scientifico e culturale, carried out with the Bartolo school in Pachino (responsible V. Brundo).
February-March 2019. School-Work Alternation - Enhancement and use of cultural heritage: E. Boggio Lera State High School, Catania, Ordinary scientific, Applied scientific sciences, Linguistics. Class 3Dsa. Project "The Permian reef of the Sosio River" with visits to the Department's Museum of Paleontology and preparation of a multimedia work that simulates the execution of a guided tour of the museum. - Tutor: Antonietta Rosso with R. Sanfilippo.
March 2018: School-Work Alternation - Enhancement and use of cultural heritage Project: The Maastricht reef of Pachino. Liceo Ettore Majorana, with visits to the Museum and creation of a three-dimensional reconstruction of the Pachino-Portopalo cliff and a video.
Organization of scientific conferences
2020, 5-6 October, Larwood web conference, organized in collaboration with Chiara Lombardi and Silvia Cocito (ENEA Santa Margherita Ligure). Annual meeting of the IBA (International Bryozoology Association)
2015, 25-26 April Custonaci: Cave environments: present and past, international conference in the bio-paleontological field. Organized in collaboration with Sanfilippo R. and Ruggieri R. of CIRS-Ragusa.
2013, 23-27 September, Taormina and various localities in Sicily: COCARDE workshop and Field Seminar, with visits to relevant fossiliferous outcrops mostly including shallow-water to deep-sea corals.
2013, 10-16 June Catania: Bryozoan Studies 2013, XVI Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, organized with Sanfilippo R. and Sciuto F. The conference was accompanied by a Pre-Conference field trip to Sicily in the week 2-9 June 2013 (organized with Sanfilippo R. and Sciuto F.) and a Post-Conference field trip to Veneto in the week of 17-24 June 2013 (organized with Braga GP.).
2012, 24-26 May, Catania, Paleodays 2012, 10th days of the Italian Society of Paleontology, with a day excursion to Capo Milazzo and the fossiliferous deposits of the Acquedolci Cave, organized with Sanfilippo R.
Participation in Scientific Committees
SPA/RAC International meeting on Marine habitats, 2022, Genoa (Italy).
18th IBA (International Bryozoology Association) meeting 2019, Liberec, Czech Republic
SPA/RAC International meeting on Marine habitats, 2019, Antalya (Turkey).
Paleodays 2015, Palermo
Paleodays 2014, Bari
Paleodays 2012, Catania
Organization of popularization conferences
2017, 18 October, Coro di Notte of the Benedictine Monastery. Rosso A. Climatically II. Climate changes; Ice melting and consequences on populations and territories. Meeting-debate between experts and students on the topic, in collaboration with Sanfilippo R., Adorno S., Lutri A.
2015, 26 November, City of Science. Sanfilippo R., Rosso A. and Bologna G. – Climatically. Meeting-debate between experts and students on the topic: Global changes and climate change. Situations and proposals. Towards the Paris climate conference COP 21 2015.